World War I Propaganda Posters

Title: Welcome Home

By: Philadephia: Public Ledger

Year: 1918

Title: Hunger knows no armistice--Near East Relief

By: M. Leone Bracker

Year: 1919

Title: [Emblem of France and Great Britain]

By: Edwin Howland, Blashfield

Year: 1917

Title: Britishers, you're needed--Come across now

By: Lloyd Myers

Year: 1917

Title: The past is behind us, the future is ahead. Let us all strive to make the future better and brighter than the past ever was

By: Gerrit A. Beneker

Year: 1918

Title: Our boys need sox, knit your bit

By: American National Red Cross

Year: c1918

Title: You can help--American Red Cross

By: Wladyslaw T. Benda

Year: 1918

Title: Get behind the girl he left behind him Join the land army

By: The American Lithographic Co.

Year 1918

Title: Landes-Kriegsfürsorge-Ausstellung
By: Pal Sujan

Year 1917

Title: Give the world the once over in the United States Navy Apply at Navy Recruiting Station

By James H. Daugherty

Year: 1919

Title: The camp library is yours - Read to win the war

By: Charles Buckles

Year: 1917

Title: Are you breaking the law? Patriotic Canadians will not hoard food


Year: 1914

Title: Facing the future Uncle Sam offers training to every man disabled in the service--See that your man takes it--Ask the Red Cross

By Chambers, C.F

Year: 1919

Help him win by saving and serving--Buy War Savings Stamps


Year: c1918

Don't talk, the web is spun for you with invisible threads, keep out of it, help to destroy it--spies are listening.

By: Boston : Walker Lith. & Pub. Co.

Year: 1918

Title: Woman your country needs you!


Year: 1917

Title: Willst du den Frieden ernten, musst du säen -- darum zeichne 8. Kriegsanleihe.../Franke, 18

By: Ernst Ludwig Frankie

Year: 1918

Title: True sons of freedom

By Charles Eric Gusstrine

Year: 1918

Title: Columbia calls--Enlist now for U.S. Army (1916)

Designed by Frances Adams Halsted; Painted by V. Aderente

Year: 1916

Title: Enlisted for duration of the war. Help the national egg collection for the wounded

By: R.G. Praill

Year: 1915

Title: Food will win the war - You came here seeking freedom, now you must help to preserve it - Wheat is needed for the allies - waste nothing]

By: Charles Edward Chambers

Year: 1917

Title: Share--Jewish Relief Campaign

By: Burke, Johnstone Studios

Year: 1917

Title: Save [...] and serve the cause of freedom

By: Frederic G. Cooper

Year: 1917

Title: For every fighter a woman worker Y.W.C.A.: Back our second line of defense

By: Ernest Hamlin Baker

Year: 1918

Title: Food--don't waste it

By: Frederic G. Cooper

Year: 1917

Title: Together we win

By: James Montgomery Flagg

Year: 1910

Title: Wake up America! Civilization calls every man, woman and child!

By: James Montgomery Flagg

Year: 1917